15% Off Torin Jack T42002A Cheapest

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Category: Automotive
Brand: Torin Jack
Model: T42002A
Availability: Ships FREE within 48 hours.
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Full Torin Jack T42002A benefits
Torin Jack T42002A Review by Charlesology
I recently tried my new jack stands and they worked great. I felt so safe while I was under my girlfriends 2003 Highlander.
Torin Jack T42002A Review by scribles30
These Jack Stands work great. Held up my heavy car(BMW E34) with no problems. Double locking gives the peace of mind that even if one would accidentally hit the release, the safety pins will protect them. The quality of this product looks to be on par with many other jack stands. Good looking product and decent craftsmanship. With such a great price and free shipping by Amazon you can't go wrong.
Torin Jack T42002A Review by Timbo
For the price you get a great bargain. They do exactly what I need and provide the added safety that I like. Very nice stands vs what I have seen at my local auto stores for somewhat similar prices.
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Torin Jack T42002A::Description
Torin 2 Ton Double Locking Jack Stand features a ratchet type hold for fine adjustment with double locking protection. The one piece multi position ductile ratchet bar provides super strength and durability. The quick adjustment mechanism securely locks it into the desired location. The stands are made of sturdy welded steel construction for superior safety and strength. The dual purpose handle serves as a carry handle and has a saddle column release. The patented design stands have a four legged steel base for added strength.

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